A Victorious and Obedient Church

Pastor Kris Burke
Word of the Week

To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nationsRevelation 2:26

Can you imagine all that God could do with a victorious and obedient people?

This verse explains who possesses real authority. It is not the one with the most money or the most military power. God gives authority to those who are victorious and obedient.

Victorious over sin, the one who can look at the snare that sin sets yet come through the fire refined and righteous. The ones who do His will to the end, they are the ones that seek after Gods will and put it before their own will. The ones that have dedicated themselves in obedience, not for just one day but for their entire lives.

What could God not accomplish through such a people? We, church, need to be the display of Gods power and hand in this world. Let the world see the lowly and humble rise to the top because of the hand of God at work in our midst.

I pray today that we would be a victorious and obedient church that the Father can use to accomplish miracles here on earth.


