All for the Glory of God – EP01

Pastor Jeffrey BrandtOne Thing Audio, Pastors Corner

1 Corinthians 10:31
“So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

All For The Glory of God

Whatever we're doing... let's do this all for the glory of God!
“So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Praise God for those very words that Paul shared. This week was really cool, I was able to spend some time with our young men in the church, some of our teens. We had a Bible study and part of the Bible study the question came up of how when we enter into the church - into the sanctuary, it's a place where we come into God's presence. Everybody was kind of giving a description of what happens there. You're renewed, there is joy, there's breakthrough, there’s so many awesome things that happen in the presence of God. It also came into the devotional time that we spent with God at home. Whether we’re reading the scriptures or really seeking for a touch from His presence. Those things are so special and precious to God, but is God’s will for us just to experience that in the church, just to find that in our prayer closet at home, per se, or is it as Paul is saying, whatever we're doing, whether we’re eating, whether we're drinking, whether we’re taking a walk with some friends, let's do this unto the glory of God.

You see, those times that we're in God's presence whether at church or even just having a devotional time, they are meant to fill us so that we would carry that wherever we go.

"...those times that we’re in God’s presence….they are meant to fill us..."
I think of football players and I've run into different football players or boxers, different people who are into sports and it's funny because a really good football player, they live, breathe, and eat football. Sounds funny, but some of the greatest sports players are the very ones where when they're at home with their family, yeah they're having time with their children and they're eating and they're doing all those different things that families do, but in the back of their mind there's always football. They’re thinking about the last game, they're thinking on how to improve themselves or you know what's gonna happen next for the team as a whole, for them as an individual. They literally are set on it and that's what makes the difference between a mediocre player compared to somebody that's really great, spectacular in what they do.

"Why can’t we have the relationship that God desires with His people?"
So why can't we do that with the Lord Jesus? Why can't we have the relationship that God desires with His people that, not only we're gonna find in church, which is special in itself, not only are we going to find him in our closets; but, whether we're eating or drinking, whether we're walking down the road, whether we're at home with our family just having a time with them, we are all going to live, breath, and literally eat Jesus. In all those moments we're going to have Him in our heart, we're gonna be attentive.

"It's a matter of mindset, it's a matter of heart."
That's really all it is. It's a matter of mindset, it's a matter of heart. That even if you're driving on the parkway, that your heart would just be open and attentive to God's word. Attentive to the fact that He's present, carrying Him and truly believing. Having faith that everything that you do can be done to the glory of God.

It's such a sacred, special, awesome thing as we’re worshipping together as a church, but it could also be a sacred, blessed thing to worship God as we're spending time with our sons, with our daughters, even when we’re at work in front of the computer typing out a document. Even then, we can honor God with it and worship Him.

"...carry Him wherever you go."
Will you join today, with all of heaven? No longer to limit the place of God, that He's only found in one spot, but to carry Him wherever you go. To not only meet with Him in the prayer room, but to meet with Him and to carry Him along, even on the football field. To not just come into His presence as we join together with the children of God in church, but to also even take Him as you go to the grocery store to pick up food for that night.

Praise God, whatever you do, whether you eat or drink, may you do it onto the glory of God. Amen!