Absolute Truth

Heart of God Articles


“What is truth?”

For centuries, people have attempted to answer this question.

United Faith Church answers this with, “Jesus Christ is Truth.” In a world where there are no longer absolutes, we can be assured that there is one absolute truth that will remain. It is the infallible word of God that leads all men to one Truth, Jesus Christ. Jesus himself declared, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). We know that all things were made by Him, for Him, and through Him.

The nature of all existing things and what can be made known about them are found in Christ alone. United Faith Church believes that He is the essence of all things, living and non–living, and that all things are held together by Him and His powerful Word. We believe in His teachings and trust in His Word as the only truth. Being a good person, having morals, and displaying good ethics only occurs by coming in alignment with the true knowledge of His Word.

Truth is not relative to what is seen or experienced in the empirical world; truth is autonomous in itself. Oppositely, relative truths degrade over time, and do not withstand a basic evaluation of an argument, as they are dependent on speculation and interpretation by the individual. True knowledge is independent of feelings or ideas as these self-interpretations can never be justified as absolute truth.

United Faith Church does not believe that absolute truth can be created, but that absolute truth has always existed through Christ. The Gospel of John begins with the phrase, “In the beginning…” when describing Jesus Christ as the Word of God. These same words were used as the opening lines of the book of Genesis, reflecting the existence of Christ from the beginning of time. United Faith Church acknowledges Jesus Christ as the Ancient of days; he is the ‘Alpha’ and the ‘Omega,’ or the ‘Beginning’ and the ‘End.’ Before the earth was created, or the mountains settled in their place, before the boundaries of the heavens were established, Jesus Christ was already in the midst. As the scriptures depict, United Faith Church trusts that Jesus had no beginning, He came to earth as God in the flesh, and will remain for all eternity as the True Word of God.

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