What is Your Story?

Pastor Kris Burke
Word of the Week

Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story—
those he redeemed from the hand of the foe,
those he gathered from the lands,
from east and west, from north and south.
Some wandered in desert wastelands,
finding no way to a city where they could settle.
They were hungry and thirsty,
and their lives ebbed away.
Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,
and he delivered them from their distress.
He led them by a straight way
to a city where they could settle.

Ever ask someone, “What is your story?” We know that each one of us has a story to tell. A story of how they were brought from their former way of life. A story of where they were heading if it were not for God reaching His hand down from heaven and rescuing us from the grave.

Let us not forget the desert wastelands we walked in. How we were lost with no where to settle and be at peace. Let us remember how all seemed lost and hopeless yet the Lord Jesus Christ rescued us and set us on a straight path that leads us to Him.

We as the people of God need to remember our story and live in thanksgiving of it. Constantly remembering where we were from and what God has done.

So when someone asks, “What’s your story?”, you will be ready to answer with the amazing story of the redeeming work of God.


