Always the Season

Pastor Kris Burke
Word of the Week

I was talking to a student this week who is deeply committed to a dance team. They have been participating for years and have practiced and competed in competitions throughout the country. As I asked the student how they were doing with dance they replied, “We’re in an off season.”  They went on to explain that because it’s an off season there’s nothing to do. No practice, no competitions, just the normal routine of life.  Their reaction surprised me. And I began to think about it.

I wondered how much better anyone part of a special team or sport could do if they trained and did their best not only “in season,” but also in the “off season.” I also began to wonder how many simply chose to throw in the towel in the off season and wait for the official time to start it all back up again.

But even more important, how many times do we as Christians sometimes sit around in an “off season?” There’s no challenges, there’s no major problems, and things seem to be running smooth.

And the real question is: Is there really an off season for the Christian? The answer is: NO!!!

Paul says in 2 Timothy 4:2 to, “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season…” Think about it. We are always to be carrying a fresh revelation of God’s Word. We are always to be seeking, praying and moving with Jesus. And trust me, Jesus is always moving!  But, what does it take?

Passion. Passion is a fire that doesn’t burn out. Passion is the drive that makes a man or woman give it all without a doubt that it’s worth it!

Are you lacking passion today? Do you seem to be in an “off season” without a reason to drive forward? Well, may your prayer and my prayer be for a passion to ignite like never before. And for the Spirit of God who is the Spirit of Life to burn a fire deep within!

Let’s get in season, and let’s stay in season!

Pastor Jeff

