The Lord is Our Portion – EP26

Pastor Jeffrey BrandtOne Thing Audio, Pastors Corner

Joshua 13:33
But to the tribe of Levi, Moses had given no inheritance; the Lord, the God of Israel, is their inheritance, as he promised them.

Hello and welcome back to the one thing podcast.  Today we want to ask ourselves: "what are we truly after in life?"

That's right, we can look around at the world we can see ourselves for a moment and say "what do we give it all for, what are we persistently seeking?"

"The biggest thing that we can ever seek to do in our life is come to know the Lord Jesus Christ..."
For some people there looking to get the most education that they possibly can so that they may be the most successful in their career, whatever field they may be working in.  For others it may be storing up and saving as much money as possible or committing themselves to doing something in their children's life in gearing them up for the most success that they can get them to.

And not necessarily that all these things are bad but when we stop for a second and we ask ourselves "what are we after and what does it really matter in the end?"

We know that when we pass along when we die we can't take our money with us.  We know that we can have the top education we can have the most possessions and belongings but in the end what does it really matter?

What difference does it make in terms of life?   Today we know that as believers our greatest goal our greatest pursuit, the biggest thing that we can ever seek to do in our life is come to know the Lord Jesus Christ, to seek His face.

Seeking God first

One of the scriptures of the week we are reading is to ask seek and knock.  We know that Jesus had said in numerous places in the scriptures, Matthew 7 being one of them, if we ask we shall receive, that if we seek we shall find, and if that we knock the door will be opened.

Seeking God first.
And we know that he was speaking about His father coming and asking before God, being persistent and seeking Him and seeking His kingdom.  What a wonderful call in our lives and so we think about this as we're seeking God - what are we really after?

I love how we go back to the Old Testament for a second here it says in Joshua 13:33 and I believe that this will really help us and gear us in our seeking in our pursuit, looking for God finding Him, looking to unveil His kingdom in our lives and His will.  And I love this verse, it was speaking about one of the tribes of Israel.

"What a wonderful call, what a wonderful life!"
God was looking at all the 12 tribes and he was using Joshua and the different leaders to let each tribe know what inheritance they would have.  In other words, what land they would possess what part of Cannan and where they would all live and dwell and raise their families and so on. But I love this part it says it Joshua 13:33 "but the tribe of Levi Moses had given no inheritance the Lord the god of Israel is there inheritance as he promised them."

So if we stop for a moment, we see that all the tribes of receiving a piece of land and inheritance but to the Levites Moses didn't give them an inheritance a piece of land per say.  Because the Lord their God Alone would be there inheritance and we think about that for a moment. The Levites were going to be the ones who much better than a piece of land much better than any possession they would literally be able to possess the presence of the Lord God.

They would be the ones to minister in the temple be seeking His face, be standing on the behalf of others and the greatest thing and the greatest portion would be God Himself!   Today as we seek the Lord - yes we may be seeking Him for a deliverance, yes we may be seeking Him for healing, yes we may be seeking and for many different things...brothers and sisters may the biggest thing, our greatest honor, our greatest joy be to find God to seek Him for Him.

No extras no added but simply "Father I am ask seeking a knocking for your very presence for your very word to be unfolded in my mind for me to understand you, for me to know you which is the greatest portion I could ever receive."

Let that be your motivation this day for there is no other motive, there is nothing else that draws us so near to God and and causes us to truly find Him as the precious pearl of great worth.

"...that is the ministry of the Christian, that we would be seeking God, that we would find Him..."
Furthermore, we stop for a second and going back to the tribe of Levi some people may be asking "well if they didn't have an inheritance or a piece of land per say where did they all live?  I mean did they all fit in the in the temple where they all able to kind of crammed in there and stay there?" There was times where they definitely were ministering in the temple and they were seeking God's presence and really ministering to the Lord.

But the Bible also says that when they weren't in the temple there were various cities dispersed throughout all the land of Israel throughout the different sections, small cities that the Levi's were able to come and live in to stay there when they were not at the temple ministering.

And I find this incredible because if they weren't at the temple you know ministering to the Lord, coming into His presence, seeking His face - they were dispersed throughout the land bringing God's presence to everybody else.  They were not only seeking Him and looking for Him as their only portion but as they were filled with the glory of God they were going back to the different lands to the different places of Israel bringing the very presence of God that they cultivated and their own life.

What does that mean for us today as we seek God as we grow, as we grow close to Him, as we come to know Him as we're asking we're seeking and knocking.  And He's opening the doors of Heaven over our own lives, Hallelujah we are now able to bring His kingdom into every place that we go!

That is the ministry of the Levite, that is the ministry of the Christian, that we would be seeking God, that we would find Him and we would bring it everywhere we go.

That we would never be separate from the Lord when we're walking through the store we would be like that Levite walking into the city saying "let me tell you what the Lord was speaking, let me tell you what God is doing".  By living our lives in our schools by the way that we live in our jobs and we function in our jobs and we work the way that we are persistently seeking God.

We persistently bring Him in all that we do and everywhere that we go. What a wonderful call what a wonderful life, that as we seek and pursue the lover of our souls with everything in us we not only bring Him into our lives and it's our own household but in everything that we do we bring forth the opportunity you bring forth the glory of the kingdom of God everywhere we set foot, every place that we step.

Because the Lord Himself is our portion, we don't just live in one land per say, but we take the land with us, we take His presence everywhere that we go.

May we rise up today children of God, may we rise up today to seek and persistently go after Him so that we would bring Him to somebody else.  So that we would bring His presence everywhere that we go, so that is glory and His name will be known.