The Healing Vaccine – EP26 (Luke 5:31)

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Men of Valor Podcast

Luke 5:31
Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.

Hi, Pastor Bob here. Welcome back to the Men of Valor podcast. The verse for today is from Luke, chapter 5, verse 31. And it states, “And Jesus replied to them, ‘It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick…’”

I know this is not gonna shock most of you, but I saw a couple shows recently and the people said that there's this disease going around affecting many people all over the world! Some people, when they get it, they go on with their life normally - usually younger people, but not always - and it doesn't change their behavior at all. Some others get it, and it stops them almost immediately - usually older people but definitely not always. And some people, they take precautions because they don't want to die with this disease, while others live their life as if this disease really doesn't exist or matter. Apparently, this disease started outside the United States - and it spread very quickly. In fact, it's been proven that you can get around carriers of this, and it can be transmitted, and you can be corrupted by it! People from all over the world have been infected by it! Sort of reminds me of the verse in 1 Corinthians 15 that says, “Bad company corrupts good character.”

The great news, though, is that there's now a vaccine that stops this disease. By definition, a vaccine stimulates the production of antibodies that provides immunity against the disease. You would think everyone would rush to get that vaccine, but that's not the case. Many have concerns about this vaccine affecting their lifestyles - and they don't want that to happen.

"Man’s sinful nature always wants what he cannot have - always!"
I bet you've heard the name of this highly contagious, very deadly disease. It's called: sin. This disease started in a Garden thousands of years ago when God said to Adam and Eve, ‘You can eat of any tree in this entire paradise except one tree. That's the only command I give you!’ They didn’t have Ten Commandments or 613 laws to obey - they only had one! And what did they do? They disobeyed. Man’s sinful nature always wants what he cannot have - always! And they transmitted that sinful nature to every person.

That disease - that sinful nature - has killed many people since the first sin in the Garden. But praise God, several years later, He sent the only antibody against that disease called sin, that ever's grace. Grace - through this one and only Son the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

"...a truly converted Christian will have no desire to return to his habitat of sin!"
When someone truly gets inoculated with this grace, it totally changes their life! They have lived their entire life swimming in sin, and yet they didn't realize it until the grace of God opened their eyes. It's sort of like a fish doesn't know he's wet until he’s taken out of the water! Then the fish will flop around, desperately trying to get back so he can swim in its original water habitat. However, a truly converted Christian will have no desire to return to his habitat of sin!

"Pray that God will grace will see the fullness today of...sin - and that your eyes are open fully to the vaccine of the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
What an amazing, transforming gift our Heavenly Father has given to us that live in this new covenant! The price for this new life was high - it cost the life of His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But why did Jesus do this? He says in John 10:10, “‘The thief [the father of sin, disease, and death - the devil] has come to steal, to kill and destroy; but I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’” Pray that God will grace you, and you will see the fullness today of the true disease that's killing the people in this world - sin - and that your eyes are open fully to the vaccine of the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It and it alone has the power to save you, to give you eternal life, to allow you to live outside of your original sin environment where the only guaranteed side effect you will get is: 1. You will start to love God more and more every day, and 2. You will start to hate sin in you and the world more and more every day. Now that is an amazing, eternal vaccine. What an amazing God we serve.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your grace and mercy. We were all sinners, spending our life in sin - headed to hell - but You loved us so much that You sent Your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, to grace us and to turn us from sin. Father, we pray that You grace each person listening to this message - that we all become obedient true followers of You. God bless you all.


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