He Breaks Down the Gates

Pastor Kris Burke
Word of the Week

Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love
and his wonderful deeds for mankind,
for he breaks down gates of bronze
and cuts through bars of iron.Psalm 107:15-16

As Pastor Janeth was speaking last night I came to really understand the gates that try to stop the church. The enemy tries to stand secure behind their “gates”. They are gates made of pride and worldly ways of thinking. They were built tall and strong to stop the advancement of the church of God.

But we, as the church, are strong and mighty with God as our forerunner. We are on the move, advancing the kingdom of God and breaking down the enemy gates. We are tearing down every argument or mindset that attempts to discredit God and showing the dead the way to life.

The church is on the offense, raiding the enemies’ camp and bringing freedom to the captives. His truth is power and freedom and it is our job to carry it on our shoulders and advance it throughout the world.

The gates of Hades will never stop the church. His Truth is marching on!



