
United Faith ChurchPastors Corner

In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth of the day of the second month – on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. And rain fell on the earth forty day and forty nights.Genesis 7:11-12
On the 17 of Cheshvan which is this month the rains began to fall as Noah had predicted for so long.  No one had believed him, but he believed God.  Against all odds he believed that it would rain when at that time it had never rained. He was mocked and ridiculed yet he held strong to his conviction that if God said it, then it would happen. He diligently began to build that arc that would house the animals and his family into safety.

Today, in this month we are reminded that if God said it then it will happen. The word of God tells us that we are to hold steadfast and build the arc that will house our families into safety when the wrath of God comes again. That arc is Jesus Christ the son the living God who has been sent to us by the Father to deliver us and save us from the coming wrath.

Genesis 6:8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. The coming of the storm was no surprise to Noah. God told him, he instructed him and he provided all he needed for safety. We also have found favor in the eyes of the Lord. We are ready…Jesus our Lord and Savior our Holy Ark will carry us to safety through every storm!